Copyright Policy

From the 4th of May 2024

1. The following "Copyright Policy" governs your use and functionality of uploading products and selling on and subdomains.
2. You may need to refer to the Terms of Service since this is agreed alongside them. Parties who do not own an account however are invited to take actions outlined in points 4 and 5.

3. All User Generated Content is the user's liability (as outlined in the Terms of Services “User Generated Content” section - points 28, 29, 30 and 31.

4. You may report a copyright violation as a person by contacting us at [email protected] including all relevant details (such as the user's username, content) alongside some evidence that the material does not belong to the person.
5. If you are the owner of the content or items which have been either copyright or trademark infringed, you must email [email protected] with the user's username, content and evidence that you own the content. We take this seriously.

6. If a user is found to have uploaded copyrighted material, actions we may take, which are highlighted in point 18 of the Terms of Service, include:
--> a. User Suspension;
--> b. Notes Takedown;

7. If you have any more queries about our copyright policy, email us at [email protected]